Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Record Collection

My Record Collection:

This has become my obsession and my hobby for the last 4 years. This all came from my love of classic rock. Everyone is always surprised when I say my favorite music is classic rock, especially because I am only 23, but it's true. Classic rock is what I call GOOD MUSIC - why? Jimmy Page rocking out on his guitar, Jim Morrison writing beautiful poetic lyrics, Neil Peart drumming on probably the largest drum set there is, or Rick Allen drumming with only one hand! These people have talent, real talent! The music you get from classic rock is filled with instruments being played by the best of the best. When I hear Led Zeppelin, I can feel Jimmy Page pretty much make love with his guitar, that's how passionate and good he is with his guitar. Now a days, you don't get that anymore. Today it's just a bunch of DJ's and electronic music. To me, good music it that which is filled with talented musicians. 

So, in order for me to get the best sound from the music I love, I buy records. The beauty of loving classic rock is that I can find everything on vinyl. Even though I can purchase the music on iTunes, I choose not to because the sound is not the same. The sound you get from vinyl is simply amazing. It feels like you are in the studio, hearing them record the vinyl live. It's simply amazing. 

So for that reason, I have been collecting vinyls for the past 4 years. I search for vinyls everywhere - thrift stores, record stores, estate sales and anywhere where I can find used things. I do sometimes order them on line as well, since I like to collect vinyls of modern music like HAIM, Gary Clark JR and more. 

Each day I will be posting 'The Record of the Day' and will be posting one record from my collection. I will try to find some cool information, so that we can all learn something about it :)

I am excited to share my collection with you guys!

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